
SalesManago is a marketing automation system that allows the sending of SMS via 360NRS.

Send SMS from SalesManago through 360NRS and take advantage of the functionality of the two platforms together.

Previous considerations

For this integration to work properly it is necessary to bear in mind the following previous considerations:


To configure 360NRS as an SMS sending method, you must access the configuration menu within the SalesManago panel

Top menu Integration:

Illustration 1 - Integration

Side menu Integration:

Illustration 2 - Integration

At the bottom of the SMS Gateway tab, 360NRS (NRS) must be configured as an SMS sending provider:

Illustration 3 - SMS Gateway - NRS

The meaning of each field is explained below:

Field Description
Username 360nrs user.
Password API password of 360nrs.
From Default sender that will appear in the SMS.
Coding SMS coding. Default GSM (GSM7). See ANNEX for more information.
Campaign name Name of the campaign in 360NRS, essential to be able to see statistics from the 360NRS platform at
Default prefix Default prefix that the system will use if the phone does not have an international prefix.


It is possible to define the SMS text to use as a template.

To create SMS templates you must go to the SMS messages option.

From the Mobile Marketing menu

Top menu SMS messages:

Illustration 4 - Top menu

Side menu SMS messages:

Illustration 5 - Side menu

Illustration 6 - Template

Enter a name and the text of the SMS and can be used as a template in sending SMS.


SMS sending

To send an SMS to one or more contacts of the CRM you must go to the option Send SMS.

From the Mobile Marketing menu

Top menu SMS messages:

Illustration 7 - Top menu

Side menu Send SMS:

Illustration 8 - Side menu

Select 360nrs (NRS) as SMS Gateway:

Illustration 9 - SMS Gateway

Fill in the rest of the fields:

Illustration 10 - Fields

The meaning of each field is explained below:

Field Description
Name Name of the campaign.
From Sender. It can be empty, the default sender or other.
Template (optional) Sending template.
Addressee One or more recipients. You can search by name, email or tag.
Exclude addressee (optional) Recipients to exclude (if the previous field is searched by tag).
Content SMS text.
Send on date Sending date (must be after the current date).
Filters It is possible to apply filters for recipients.

Illustration 11 - Filters

Some examples of filters could be: that you have a phone number, that more than 2 emails have been sent to you, that you clicked on less than 5 emails, that the contact was created between one date and another, that the contact has between 18 and 20 years old, etc.

SMS sending birthday

To send a birthday SMS to one or more CRM contacts, you must go to the SMS birthday option.

From the Mobile Marketing menu

Top menu SMS messages:

Illustration 12 - Top menu

Side menu Birthday SMS:

Illustration 13 - Side menu

Select 360nrs (NRS) as SMS Gateway:

Illustration 14 - SMS Gateway

Fill in the rest of the fields:

Illustration 15 - Fields

The meaning of each field is explained below:

Field Description
Name Name of the campaign.
From Sender. It can be empty, the default sender or other.
Template (optional) Sending template.
Addressee One or more recipients. You can search by name, email or tag.
Exclude addressee (optional) Recipients to exclude (if the previous field is searched by tag).
Content SMS text.
Time Sending hour.
Send before birthday Send days before birthday.
Filters It is possible to apply filters for recipients.

The fields to be filled are practically the same as for normal SMS sending, except that instead of selecting a specific date, a time is selected and you can specify if you want to send the same day of the birthday, a day before or several days before. This means that the date of shipment will depend on the day of the contact's birthday.

Sent SMS

It is possible to list the sent SMS.

From Mobile Marketing menu

Top menu sent SMS:

Illustration 16 - Top menu

Side menu sent SMS:

Illustration 17 - Side menu

A list of sent SMS is displayed:

Illustration 18 - List


It is possible to send SMS through 360NRS as a Workflow action from the Automation menu

Top menu Workflows:

Illustration 19 - Top menu

Side menu Workflows:

Illustration 20 - Side menu

With the Workflows tool it is possible to carry out actions when events occur.

Within the actions, it is possible to send an SMS through 360NRS.

To create a Workflows it is mandatory that there is at least one event and one action. Sending an SMS to a contact through 360NRS is one action.

To use the action of sending SMS to a contact, you must drag the action Send SMS to contact from the menu of elements on the right side.

Illustration 21 - Categories menu

Among the Actions is the action of Send SMS to the contact:

Illustration 22 - Contact action

You must click on the configuration icon of the action: and configure the SMS to send:

Illustration 23 - Workflow

360NRS (NRS) must be selected as the Gateway. Enter the sender and text of the SMS. It is also possible to send immediately when the event occurs or send it later.

Once the Workflow is ready, it must be activated:

Illustration 24 - Active

Workflow example that sends an SMS when a note is added to a contact:

Illustration 25 - Workflow


SMS Analytics

It is possible to list the sent SMS grouped.

From the Mobile Marketing menu

Top menu sent SMS:

Illustration 26 - Top menu

Side menu SMS Analytics:

Illustration 27 - Side menu

A list of grouped sent SMS is displayed:

Illustration 28 - Analytics

Workflows Analytics

It is possible to view the SMS analytics that are sent through Workflows.

From the Automation menu

Top menu Workflows:

Illustration 29 - Top menu

Side menu Workflow SMS Analytics:

Illustration 30 - Side menu

It is possible to see the analytics of the SMS sent through Workflow:

Illustration 31 - Analytics


GSM character set

GSM basic character set

0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40 0x50 0x60 0x70
0x00 @ Δ SP 0 ¡ P ¿ p
0x01 £ _ ! 1 A Q a q
0x02 $ Φ " 2 B R b r
0x03 ¥ Γ # 3 C S c s
0x04 è Λ ¤ 4 D T d t
0x05 é Ω % 5 E U e u
0x06 ù Π & 6 F V f v
0x07 ì Ψ ' 7 G W g w
0x08 ò Σ ( 8 H X h x
0x09 Ç Θ ) 9 I Y i y
0x0A LF Ξ * : J Z j z
0x0B Ø ESC + ; K Ä k ä
0x0C ø Æ , < L Ö l ö
0x0D CR æ - = M Ñ m ñ
0x0E Å ß . > N Ü n ü
0x0F å É / ? O § o à

* Special characters

GSM extended character set

0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40 0x50 0x60 0x70
0x00 |
0x04 ^
0x08 {
0x09 }
0x0A FF
0x0B SS2
0x0C [
0x0D CR2 ~
0x0E ]
0x0F \

* Special characters

GSM-PT character set

GSM-PT basic character set

0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40 0x50 0x60 0x70
0x00 @ Δ SP 0 Í P ~ p
0x01 £ _ ! 1 A Q a q
0x02 $ ª " 2 B R b r
0x03 ¥ Ç # 3 C S c s
0x04 ê À º 4 D T d t
0x05 é % 5 E U e u
0x06 ú ^ & 6 F V f v
0x07 í \ ' 7 G W g w
0x08 ó ( 8 H X h x
0x09 ç Ó ) 9 I Y i y
0x0A LF | * : J Z j z
0x0B Ô ESC + ; K Ã k ã
0x0C ô Â , < L Õ l õ
0x0D CR â - = M Ú m `
0x0E Á Ê . > N Ü n ü
0x0F á É / ? O § o à

* Special characters ** Characters different from GSM

GSM-PT extended character set

0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40 0x50 0x60 0x70
0x00 |
0x01 À Â
0x02 Φ
0x03 Γ
0x04 ^
0x05 ê Ω Ú ú
0x06 Π
0x07 Ψ
0x08 Σ {
0x09 ç Θ } Í í
0x0A FF
0x0B Ô SS2 Ã ã
0x0C ô [ Õ õ
0x0D CR2 ~
0x0E Á ]
0x0F á Ê \ Ó ó â

* Special characters ** Characters different from GSM